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Conversation Between bluebacore and slingshaft
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. slingshaft
    10-04-2013 07:58 PM
    Hi I assume that you work in AK during the summer, I am interested in hanging out in Indo,
    what I really need is a plan in order to stay there.
    Are you interested in splitting the cost of an apartment, or is the cost so cheap that I could rent inexpensively?
    This will free up money for trips.
    Do you plan on just traveling nonstop?
    I deeply appreciate your time and attention, I need an idea of how much you spend per month.
    Cheers, Kerry.
  2. bluebacore
    04-01-2013 07:18 PM
    Yeah man Indo is epic. It is quite cheap so should be no problem finding a place even if you stay in a hotel for a awhile before you find a place to stay. If you end up in Bali first hit up Beslayer from the board he has indepth info about Bali. I have not met him but see him on the board and he builds guns. There are many other islands to investigate if you have the desire. Alor is epic with many big fish but expect big current and cooler water do to the current and I mean BIG current be careful there use a boat to watch you.

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