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Conversation Between Txskindiver and Stjs45
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Stjs45
    08-03-2013 08:00 PM
    Good day sir, my name is Henry Cuellar, 28 yrs old, very respectful and live in San Antonio. I am not a weirdo nor a dork. Haha. I am new to spear fishing, and really looking for someone to go out with and that could show me the ropes a little. Been blessed to hunt around the world and just got into a new sport. I can pay for fuel, get drinks, and clean the boat. I saw on ur post you may want a buddy to split cost or go out. If ur interested, maybe we could chat and see when a good day would be. If not, no worries sir. Thank you and God bless.

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