Conversation Between Freedivebuddy and Oceanmonkey
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Hey Brian,
No worries. I was out Saturday on my own and yesterday with a buddy and did really well in Clearwater. I might be in for Saturday if conditions are right. It was great vis yesterday and looks like it's clearing up even more. Give me a call andet me know. 407-247-6607
Hey man.. I cant remember if I responded to your last message or not.. I've been doing a lot of networking on SB lately and having trouble remembering each conversation. I'm new to this site and just figured out my "sent messages" don't get automatically saved.? I got out on a boat with some guys from SB yesterday and had a bast! I'm trying to plan something for saturday. You down?
Brian you can call or text me 407-443-7914
Hey man... I'm new to this forum. I live in Orlando and I'm always looking for a freedive buddy... and cant wait to start spearfishing. I have a boat too... but it's more of a go-fast lake boat.. I have tentative plans to dive West Palm of Ft lauderdale this weekend. Looking for a freedive buddy...