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Conversation Between tommy7 and Erasmus
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Erasmus
    04-18-2012 10:51 AM
  2. Erasmus
    12-16-2009 12:43 PM
    Hey Tommy, I am taking some kids out to the Islands this weekend and next. Not sure if you have time but was wondering what you thought the viz would be like. Kids just want to see some fun stuff more than anything else.


  3. Erasmus
    03-23-2009 12:32 PM
    Viz, Hey Tommy, I was thinking of heading out to either Anacapa or Santa Cruz's Prisoners Harbor on the 31st. Does that High Tech Viz report indicator tell you that far in advance? Which one would you suggest at this point, I am taking some friends that helped Jen and I with our adoption and I'd like to give them a good time.

    Any help would be appreciated, by the way, the girls got 3rd at Bev Hills.


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