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Conversation Between hydroid and kavachi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. hydroid
    10-07-2020 10:44 AM
    Hello? You there?
  2. kavachi
    08-17-2019 06:43 PM
    Key reason for going 9.5mm is more chance of getting a spine shot and avoiding yet another bloody sharknado

    Not sure if image links are working??
  3. kavachi
    08-16-2019 08:14 PM
    Really notice the difference the 8.5mm makes in slowing the fish down, ditto the heavy double flopper shaft vs sliptip.
  4. kavachi
    08-16-2019 08:09 PM
    Unfort the 8.5mm doggie specials i rcvd from Hunt didnt have the doghouse i ordered, really like that as tying to the rest tab the loop always gets caught round the tab, often dont notice til loading bands and have to go and rewrap before loading, last thing you want when you you’ve got a big pelagic swimming under you that youve just spent two hours berleying and flashing to attract! Are you using the coated cable?

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