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Conversation Between Silvertriton and Castronova
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Castronova
    04-04-2013 09:00 PM
    Maybe you should tell him to send them at 350% first so you can try them? You can always cut them, you cannot make them longer.
  2. Castronova
    04-04-2013 08:58 PM
    Well that is good news. I must have been a week too late. I wish I had an 8mm... oh well. If it is the cressi bands you should have no problems. It will be heavy but your height wont matter because the gun is very compact. As long as you have some strength. At 350% mine are very manageable. Like Carlos said in the Panama post. I use a 7.5x1500 though so the mass should be very similar to the 8x1400. I have been shooting some very nice fish with it and cannot believe the accuracy. Like Victor told me, aim at exactly where you want to hit. And jokes aside, he is right. You do not have to compensate like most guns. Aim at brain, hit brain. I've never had so much fun spearfishing.
  3. Silvertriton
    04-04-2013 01:27 PM
    Hi I have spoken to Gabriele who builds the Denton 120 and he says that the standard setting now is shaft 8x1400mm and bands 62-64cm which is almost 400%. I have ordered one...I hope i can pull the bands which I am sure even with the rest tab will be heavy considering that I am only 5'8"
  4. Castronova
    03-27-2013 04:56 PM
    I just received my gun from Victor about a month ago so if standard is now 8mmx1400 it must have been changed in the last couple weeks. I have just read 17 pages of that forum where they tested the gun and it is very interesting. The 7.5 RA shaft I use is 1500mm so probably very close in mass to the shorter 8mm. I wonder how much speed I may be losing with 3/64 cable I wonder what that guy used for line in panama? Also, the bands victor sent me were 350, not 400%.

    Thank you for the link
  5. Castronova
    03-26-2013 08:19 PM
    I saw this post but never after the original report. I did not know people were using 8mm shafts, that is all I've ever used. I have not used the Abellan shaft yet, only custom made Rob Allen 7.5x1500 single flopper with pins all the way back (same as Abellans). I have been shooting it with 16mmx350 bands and 3/64 stainless steel cable. It has shot really hard at the current setup. I have had one 7.5mm shaft before and really liked it. You could tell it has the speed of a smaller shaft but still plenty power. I don't know if I would go back to 8mm after shooting this Rob Allen 7.5, its is very stiff and I'm not shooting huge fish like that report (until I go to Mexico in July maybe

    I also bought a 7.5mm abellan threaded shaft and put a Ultimate Slip-tip on it for cobia and small tuna which I will try this weekend. I'm trying to keep it very fast so it hits where I aim. The speed is what I have enjoyed most since getting the gun.
  6. Silvertriton
    03-26-2013 10:58 AM
    I have heard great thinghs about the Denton 120, there is a nice contribution http://www.spearboard.com/showthread.php?t=158301 of a recent trip in Panam where they used Denton 120 with 8mm shafts, twin floppers but with standard band lenghts to shoot hugee garoupas and cubeiras...if you google videocean they have also conducted pool tests of several guns and the Denton 120 was the fastest speed m/s with 8mm 2 16mm@ 400x...more than with 3 14mm and more than Abellan roller with single 19mm...very interesting gun...
    Have you changed the settings or tried the 8mm shaft? I think probably the original set up may be the best in flexibility to diferent situation with perhaps some 8mm with slip tip for deeper reef or ligt BW?
  7. Castronova
    03-26-2013 10:06 AM
    Currently I use the Ulusub 165 for bluewater and will likely use it in Mexico for larger game. I only use one other gun now and that is a Abellan Denton 120. I have only had it for a month but it is incredibly accurate and powerful. It shoots a 7.5 shaft and if you look at abellansub.com you can see where he tests the gun with the standard 2 x 16mm setup hitting a 2 inch square from 6 meters. I see time and time again people shooting 60 - 80 cuberas with this 120. It is also the size of a normal 110 railgun, only 54" total. I do not think a more compact and powerful gun exists at this time.
  8. Silvertriton
    03-26-2013 09:14 AM
    Hi I have very much enjoyed reading your posts. Which guns do you have now? which one do you use most and with what settings?
    I have a cressi carbon 90, a riffe Euro 110 and I am now looking for a go-o gun for Panama's waters which is not too difficult to handle on the reef or with not great visibility while at the same time has the capacity to carry a 7.5 or 8mm shaft when I need extra punch for bigger game but not necessarily a pure blue water since I am also waiting for an Ulusub 165 and hope that when Jon comes back I will be able to get one...any suggestions?

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