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Conversation Between Rosstnfound and s.lillywhite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. s.lillywhite
    08-21-2015 11:41 AM
    nope. i haven't gone that much this past month. need to get back out there. the viz has been a little discouraging. did an overnight 6 pack rod+reel fishing trip which was pretty productive though. anything on your end?
  2. Rosstnfound
    08-14-2015 10:23 AM
    cool. any action lately?
  3. s.lillywhite
    08-13-2015 11:45 AM
    I was in the O'neill and have a Rob Allen. Name's Spencer.
  4. Rosstnfound
    07-07-2015 01:49 PM
    Yep, That was me. Were you the guy in the xcel suit of in the riffe? What was your name?

  5. s.lillywhite
    07-07-2015 01:12 PM
    Hey Ross.

    Guessing it's you I met yesterday evening as we were getting out of the water. Just thought I would say hi.

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