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Conversation Between Daryl Wong and breter
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. breter
    07-15-2012 03:37 PM
    Hi Daryl,
    I had a question. I have seen one of your guns on craigslist here in florida for the past few weeks and the phone number they have on the listing is the wrong number. Not sure if it is by accident or what but I was hoping maybe you had a way to contact the owner and see if he is actually selling it because I have been looking for one like it for a while. Here is the listing
    On your website it looks like the gun listed in the 2011 pictures as Jim Mauradian 55 GR rear. I hope you can help me some how. One way or another I want to know if it is a legitimate posting or if I should flag it as SPAM.
    Thank you

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