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Conversation Between agarcia and SCOTB
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. SCOTB
    01-10-2012 05:31 PM
    Hey. No I wasn't going to do a full pilot house due to not having a place to do it but I was trying to do a solid t top with it but it would have cost me too much in stainless steel supports to make it worth it. So I ended up using aluminum diamond plate sheets supported by stainless with canvas and plastic windows so it's stronger than a Bimini but still light enough to not affect boat.

    I have a v20 1978 which is same as skipjack 20 if u know that style.

    As for your project I see you are in San Jose seems far if not sure of dimensions fitting your boat its 66 in bow to stern and 60 wide but itd be perfect roof on right boat I gotta get it out of storage so just want it to go to use.

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