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Conversation Between GatorNative and Scubadood
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Scubadood
    06-16-2019 02:56 PM
    Ok I’ll take you out, call me
  2. GatorNative
    06-08-2019 06:40 PM
    Hey Harald!
    How are you liking CK? How far from the MG?
    Had that Riffe-on-steroids refurbished by Billy Black. New flopper spear and all.
    Any charter action you can recommend over your way?
  3. GatorNative
    07-12-2015 04:30 PM
    Hi Harald,
    I'm looking for a ride out this week, if you know of something other than the standard cattle boat fare. Always generous. Needin' a decent fish. I've never done much of anything up your way, besides Juno Ledge. Only got this week - then I'm gone.

    -- Alan
  4. GatorNative
    11-17-2013 08:46 PM
    Hi Harald,
    I broke a wishbone - inner sling. Are the Voit - JBL stainless bones or braided cable OK to use, or should I order the Rob Allen wishbone kit?

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