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Conversation Between billder99 and Teamdiesel
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Teamdiesel
    05-14-2015 06:59 PM
    Hi Bill, Half Moon Bay area has some amazing reefs also but its in our NEMA zone and is mostly offlimits. That area in the southeast is called willoughby bay. It has an amazing reef structure and usually houses Permit, Mutton Snapper, Snook, and Cuberas. A boat is definitely an asset here in Antigua as I had a 16ft Whaler for 3 years and hit some sweet wrecks offshore and inshore. Shot my personal best 50lb Cubera on one of my offshore wrecks in 25ft of water. Lets keep in touch and I will definitely put you on of my favourite spots.
  2. billder99
    05-12-2015 04:09 AM
    Hi Kiwani, thanks for responding. I have been hoping to connect with a local, and you are the only Antiguan on Spearboard! I am spoiled, living in Loreto (Baja) with a boat... spearing here is amazing. I look forward to learning the waters in the Carib.

    I'm not sure where we will be living... my main work site will be (initially) at Half Moon Bay, but I will probably choose to live near where the Open Water Swim group works out.

    For spearing, I have started to look around Antigua on GoogleEarth, some promising looking reef areas on southeast corner (with a kayak)... there appear to be lots of good spots on Barbudos for reefs, but need a fast boat. I have not done much open water spearing, but it would be great to hook up with an experienced person. I will be looking to purchase a share of a boat partnership, so I should have a boat fairly soon.

    It appears I will be moving to Antigua in December, though that can change (sooner or later).


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