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Conversation Between brandon cadalzo and sticknrelease
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. sticknrelease
    03-18-2014 04:47 PM
    The Delta is a lot easier to rest on than the Reef. The Reef will float about 50 lbs, but has a tendency to sort of roll when you hang on it. The Reef is more streamlined, so a little easier to tow around and through weeds and things like that. The Delta has 2 bladders inside, so even if you pop one, you still have a float.
    The Delta is my favorite for saltwater, it will handle really big fish, and I've used it to boogie board through some nasty shore break surf.
    Both floats have two straps across them made from 1"webbing with FasTex buckles to strap gear on. The float line is typically attached via stainless steel screw link to the sewn webbing loop on the front of the float. That loop runs continuously through the bottom of the float to the rear loop in case you want to run multiple floats in series.

    Let me know if you want me to send a paypal invoice when you decide on your float, or if you have any more questions.

    Thank you,

    Justin Fox
  2. brandon cadalzo
    03-18-2014 12:23 PM
    brandon cadalzo
    Hey Aaron Crist told me to get a hold of you since he has sold all of his fox floats. I primarily do a lot of jetty hopping and lengthy swims. My usual spearing sessions can be more than 3 hours. I was wondering about the best float for me. The delta seems nice because it looks like it's large enough to take a break on and it also looks like I can lash some gear to it. I was just wondering what you thought. Thanks so much.

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