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Conversation Between brandon cadalzo and DVRJOE
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    06-12-2015 10:16 PM
    I trade Aaron my new Riffe Metal O for the spear.
    I am in Southern California, so this is how mine is set up:

    2 four foot sections of pole plus either 12" or 24 " shaft. That is the beauty of this pole, you can choose to alter the shaft, Any old shaft will work, just use a grinder to make the groove for pole fitting.
    So in the kelp, I shoot 8 foot pole plus 2 foot shaft. It's a harpoon!!

    For rockfish, halibut, I shoot the 12" shaft

    I made a foregrip: 400lb mono wrapped spirally, and put electrical tape on ends. Then covered with green diamond shrink wrap (rod building tackle store have it). The president of our club got a 27 lb, Barracuda in Texas - new World Record, Look up Jeremy Caulkins World record and you will see my Crist. It just takes time to get used to the weight. I also just put a crab pot clip on the end so I could attach it to kelp to rest.

    I would think twice about selling it. or just e-mail Aaron Crist in Arizona, he is very helpful

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