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Conversation Between TheKeeneroo and Bob Ballew
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Bob Ballew
    04-18-2019 09:17 PM
    Bob Ballew
    Hi, I won't make it to Catalina this weekend...Too many relatives comng for Easter feed..and, friends they invited... Bob
  2. TheKeeneroo
    04-05-2019 12:58 PM
    Hey Bob! You look like a guy that knows the Catalina area based on some of your thread replies. My wife and I are staying at a friends Condo in Hamilton Cove April 22-26. I'd like to get out one of the days to dive and fish, specifically for some larger species. I have all the right spear gear and am a fairly accomplished freediver.

    Can you connect me with someone that could point me in the right direction? Adam Olsen offered to take me on his boat for $100/hr and said I could bring buddies (making the cost more like $30/hr/person). I'm looking for worthy yak spots, charters, locals, etc. Anything that could help put me on some decent fish (YT, White Seabass, Calico, etc). Currently not wanting to go after halibut/sheepshead as I can get those here in Monterey where I live (Pacific Grove).

    Thank you for your help!

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